BHVC develops investor-grade comprehensive written business plans for the purpose of succinctly communicating business objectives to potential investors (both debt and equity). A typical business plan contains an executive summary, a detailed company description, a complete industry analysis, specifics on customers and competitors, a marketing plan, a design & development plan, an operating plan, a management team presentation, and a complete financial discussion.


BHVC builds highly detailed pro-forma financial statements, including assumptions, income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, key measurements, and a valuation of the business. Models are built using either Microsoft Excel or by using planning software from our partner company, Alight Planning. Various scenarios (best case, worst case, most likely) can be quickly developed from either model type.

Investor presentations

Using Microsoft PowerPoint, an engaging presentation summarizing the business plan and business concept will be developed for personal presentation to investors. In addition, coaching services are available to help prepare business owners to pitch their presentations and field questions.

Rasing Capital

Now that you have a complete venture capital quality plans, set of financials, and an investor presentation, now what? Unlike some business plan consulting firms, BHVC works with clients from beginning to end, and a good plan isn’t worth much unless you can use it to capitalize your business. BHVC is proud of it’s track record of getting the majority of its clients funded, and we will work with you to locate, contact, present, and negotiate with the various sources of capital.

Interim executive management

BHVC will help you from day one through the execution phase by serving your company in an interim executive position (CFO, COO, CEO) for the period between formation and capitalization when you are able to hire these positions full time. BHVC will not write your plan and leave you wondering how to make it happen…we want to be your long-term partner for success! We can tap into a pool of talented, experienced start-up experts to pilot your venture to profitable waters. Staff can either work remotely or locate on site.

strategic consulting

OK, so you’ve successfully raised capital, hired on your team, and you’re generating revenues in operational mode. Now you’re looking to grow and expand your company and you want to understand the key drivers of your business and what areas are causing your company to perform less than optimally. Through its unique partnership with Alight Planning, BHVC can model your business using Alight’s state of the art financial planning and analysis software. Once you are set up, you will gain invaluable insights into the operation of your company. BHVC can also assist you in the planning & budgeting process, mergers & acquisitions, due diligence, and competitive intelligence.

International rollouts

Expanding to a foreign market can be a daunting challenge. What are the best countries to enter? What is the business, social, and political climate? What are the barriers to entry? How best to operate in each country. These are all critical in making decisions on how to expand operations internationally. BHVC uses a “market entry matrix” approach using a wide variety of research data to help guide the best possible expansion decision.


BHVC develops comprehensive business valuations, performed for new and existing businesses for the purposes of selling the business or determining the value of equity participation. A number of widely accepted valuation methodologies are used, with a weighted-average valuation determining a final value.

Business brokerage

For many reasons (retirement, moving on to another project, partnership disagreements, etc) people choose to sell their businesses. BHVC can help you market and sell your business, negotiate the best price for it based on a current valuation, and we can guide you through the closing process to the day the checks are written.