Several years before NBC’s sitcom Friends first aired, I had the great good fortune to work at an IBM internship in Tarrytown, New York, the small...
Several years before NBC’s sitcom Friends first aired, I had the great good fortune to work at an IBM internship in Tarrytown, New York, the small...
There is probably no better piece of advice that I have gotten in my career than that of developing a service mentality. Honestly, this never came...
One of my fondest memories is that of being a young man in my early 20’s, single, and hitting the open road “out west”. Although my trips always had...
Over the years, I’ve been fortunate enough to have quite a number of incredible experiences and adventures, for which I am extremely grateful.
2020 is about to enter it's final month. To say it has been a strange year would be a colossal understatement, but where it has disrupted our daily...
"Todd has a great ability to grasp the fundamentals of a business problem and quickly and effectively find creative solutions driven by strong...
"As the CEO of a start up with little knowledge of how funding works (individual or institutional), working with Todd was of tremendous value. The...
"Mr. Todd Smith is currently serving as the interim CFO of our Company Atlas Nanotechnologies, LLC. Todd has put together a fairly complex financial...
Todd worked with us at the beginning of AMT (Automatic Control Instrument Development Company) at the beginning of the UCLA Venture Development...
“Todd and I worked on the review of university submitted commercialization and business plans for the State of Florida during the spring of 2008, and...